The Lion Lizard Wars and Beyond
The Lion – Lizard Wars
As the Lirions’ evolved with the inclusion
of Queen Andromeda’s Bloodline, some of the Lirions’ started walking upright
and walking on their two back legs instead of all four feet. At that time, a
decision was made by the King. The royals would continue to evolve their
bloodline with other races around the Galaxy, but they would keep the Lirion
Guards D.N.A. pure, just in case something went horribly wrong with the Royal
Bloodline. The King decided; as long as they still had the primary Lirion
bloodline intact they could always start the Evolutionary process again.
this time it has been over Three hundred years since Queen Andromeda had crash-landed
on Lira, since then four generations of the Royal family has ruled on Lira. They
had a problem with Draconian Pirates kidnapping Lirion Children for their life
extending blood. This problem has been plaguing the Lirion People for decades
and was about to boil over, and this is where our story begins.
Lizard home world of Draconia had acquired a taste for Lirion Children’s blood
it would extend their lives by decades and the Reptilian’s Royals paid millions
of Gold Draco’s for Lirion Children. This had created quite a large black
market for Lirion Children.
At this time, King Leo and Queen Andromeda
had been reborn into a Superior Race of Lirions’ that they had set out to
create generations before. The King and Queen of Lira had built a great
Starship Battle Armada, and are known to leave the solar system for decades at
a time because when you travel through space a couple of days may pass for you
but years can go by on your home world. The King and Queen would travel
throughout the galaxy, collecting technology and life forms trying to accomplish
their goal of creating a ship that could transfer Souls from one Sun to another
because there have been many civilizations that had been destroyed by their
local sun going Supernova. In addition, there had been several wars where whole
planets and their people were destroyed, and everything had been lost forever,
this is why they traveled the Universe searching for a solution. There had been
several advanced Civilizations wiped out by Comet strikes and World Wars, Queen
Andromeda didn’t want that to happen to the Lirion race and this is what the
Royals were doing when the following took place.
Princess Lilith was left in charge of the Lirion Government while King
Leo and the Queen were off on their mission. Lilith had taken a fancy to the
Son of the Draconian King Pindar. King Pindar was traveling with King Leo and
the rest of the Royals, so basically the Kids were left in charge while the
Parents were away and when that happens good things don’t happen.
The Draconian Pirates’ had been harassing the shipping lanes outside the
lirion solar system for decades, stealing cargo and kidnapping Lirion children
and the people of Lira demanded action from their Government, so while Lilith
was visiting Draconia to hammer out a peace agreement to patrol the shipping
lanes she fell deeply in love with Prince Pindar. She loved his smooth hairless
skin and his intelligent mind; he was also good with numbers, which impressed
her greatly. Lilith and Pindar would sneak away every chance they could get to fuck
like rabbits; he gave her fantastic Orgasms’ like no one else on Lira could
give her. Pindar had a long snake like Penis that he could move around inside
of her giving her earth shaking Orgasm’s which compromised her loyalties to her
own people.
Pindar was able to talk her in to giving up control of the shipping
lanes because he promised to protect Lira from the Evil Pirates, and she
believed him. While all this was going on Captain Lugh was patrolling the
shipping lanes with his Battle cruiser. He had the best crew in the Solar
system he had one hundred of the Best Men and Women officers in the Lirion
Military all were the top of their classes and this is when they received the
News of the peace agreement.
Captain Lugh was sitting in his captain’s
chair when he yelled out to his first officer Lieutenant Eve 1st
class, Oh my God what is that stupid little Bitch Lilith doing to us, she just
left Lira open to Attack. I bet that Bitch doesn’t even know about Pindars
Meteor Cannon being mounted on his Spacecraft Carrier. I have a bad feeling
about this Eve, I think this decision will haunt us big time, at the time I
didn’t realize how right I was.
Eve – Captain I think we need to stay out
of sight during the peace treaty-signing coming up on Lira.
Lugh – I agree Lt. There is going to be a
huge parade and celebration following the parade lasting a couple of days lets
hide between our Lirion Moon and the Draconian Nebula during the signing
ceremony I don’t trust those Damn Lizards.
days later Prince Pindar and Princess Lilith have traveled to Lira and are
preparing to sign the peace agreement in a public ceremony being televised
simultaneously on Lira and Draconia. After Lilith and Pindar made love all
night he proposed Marriage to Lilith and she accepted immediately without
thinking of the repercussions of her decision. The next day all the
intergalactic media arrived to televise the historical peace agreement the
Lirion’s and Draconian’s have had a blood feud for centuries. When the Lirions’
first arrived on Draconia they were just Dinosaurs, that the Lirions’ thought were
real tasty, especially their tails, so nobody is blameless in this blood feud.
This is the reason why the peace agreement was so historic. The media arrived just
as the pomp and circumstance began, all the people were in a jovial mood and
after a very public signing ceremony, the entire known universe began to party
and Lirions’ are known as the original party animals, they are the people that
invented Beer after all. So as the party continued twenty-four hours later the
Lirions’ started passing out drunk and the rest were in a drunken stupor, and
that’s when Prince Pindar scooped up Lilith and loaded her in his Starship and headed
back to Draconia. As soon as they left Lirion airspace, Pindar gave the command
to Attack.
first phase of the attack was carried out by the Draconian Pirates, they landed
down to the planet surface and kidnapped as many Lirion children as they could
and took them away in the dark of night, they would have taken Adults also but
they are too big and could not be controlled. Most of the Lirions' were all
drunk and passed out and did not even witness the kidnappings. As soon as the
First wave completed their mission phase, two began.
first thing Prince Pindar needed to do was to marry Lilith, so after he married
her phase one was completed. Lilith was drunk a happy and had no idea what
Pindar was up too. As soon as she said, I Do. That was the Order to fire the
Meteor Cannon hidden in the Draconian Nebula, and destroy Lira once and for all
and blame it on a random Comet. The beauty of the plan was there would be no
witnesses left alive, but they did not know about Lugh and his crew.
spacecraft carrier that had the Meteor Cannon mounted to it was hiding in the
Draconian Nebula and that hid it from Lirion Radar, so no one saw it emerge
from the nebula as it fired its Meteor Cannon nicknamed “the Destroyer” as the
Asteroid flew out of the cloudy Nebula at light speed it hit a Lirion warning
Satellite, blowing it up and destroying Liras last hope of any warning of the
incoming Asteroid or of any chance to stop it.
the Asteroid ripped through the atmosphere, the sky became ablaze with fire and
when it struck the planet, the weapon had been loaded with enough nuclear
material to blow up the entire planet, and it did killing everyone on the
Captain Lugh and his crew watched their Monitors as their home planet exploded
before them killing everyone they ever knew, and all they wanted was revenge.
They were too far away to stop the Asteroid but they could see the Ship that
fired it and charged into the Nebula at Warp speed, firing every cannon they
had easily destroying the Spacecraft Carrier. However, this was not enough
revenge so they swung the ship around and headed for Draconia at Warp speed. It
would take two days before they arrived so they came up with a plan and made
their peace with God.
evening before they arrived at Draconia, Eve came to Captain Lugh’s State Room
scared and lonely. Her voice broke as she asked to come in to Lugh’s state room,
she said to the Captain I am scared can I stay with you tonight, since this
will be our last. Captain Lugh Smiled and let her in. Lugh told her come on in
and lay with me Eve for this will be our last night alive my dear, but rest
assured what we do tomorrow will have implications that will change the course
of history. As Eve entered the room, she looked into Lughs’ eyes and kissed, as
Lugh unzipped the back of her uniform her Jumpsuit fell to the floor in a heap
and since she was not wearing anything under her jumpsuit she stood before Lugh
naked. Then she went down to her knees and unzipped Lughs Pants and pulled them
down revealing Lughs massive Member. She greedily devoured his throbbing Cock
in great haste; she obviously was not going to waste any of the time she had
left. After Lugh was fully erect Lugh grabbed her by the waist and threw her on
the bed. She spread her legs wide as he plunged his tongue deep inside her pussy;
sending shockwaves through her entire body exciting her even more. As Lugh was
plunging his tongue in and out of her pussy, he slid his finger deep in her
asshole giving her a massive orgasm making her cum and making her shout an ear-piercing
growl probably heard throughout the ship, alerting the crew at what their
Captain and 1st Officer were doing. That scream aroused Lugh so much
he stopped eating her and pulled his finger out of her juicy ass and flipped
her over and plunged his cock deep inside her pussy and fucked her doggie style,
as he fucked the shit out of her. Eve felt his cock all the way up to her
throat as he fucked her hard, she felt his cock starting to pulsate so she
squeezed her pussy as hard as she could making Lugh Growl as he filled her
pussy full of his hot cum. After they both came, they slid beneath the sheets
and they held on to each other tight as they began kissing and eventually
making love again all night long, since it would be their last.
next morning Lugh and Eve emerged from his stateroom ready for Battle. As
Captain Lugh’s Battle cruiser exited the Stargate above Draconia, Plasma
cannons from the surface of the planet lit up the Sky “ Lugh Laughed and said
they are lighting the way for us” and headed straight towards the Draconian
Weapons Depot, launching all of his Antimatter missiles and arming his Starburst
Doomsday Weapon. As his missiles hit cities all across, the planet he killed
millions instantly, Lugh just wanted to make the Draconians’ feel as much pain
as possible before he Ignites the Starburst weapon. As Captain Lugh and his
Crew headed towards the Weapons Depot on the surface of the planet, all they
wanted was revenge with hate filling their Hearts and Dooming their Souls for
Eternity. As they saw, the bright flash of the Starburst Weapon fill the Bridge
all around them, and then Silence.
of the biggest differences between Lira and Draconia is that Draconia has a
giant Reddish green Sun as opposed to Liras hot Blue Sun. So when a Lirion dies
on Draconia their soul must recharge in the pale infrared light of the giant
Red Sun for much longer than they would on their home Sun. The Draconian Souls
are able to recharge their Souls in the Core of their Planet but since Lugh
blew up the Draconian Heaven and none of them had any way to reincarnate. So
all the souls in the whole Solar system were in the Red Sun at the same time
for eternity and they hated each other. This turned out to be a learning
experience for King Leo and the rest of the Zodiac Kings.
Lugh Eve and Lilith and the rest of his Crew were able to torment the
Draconians’ for an eternity because Lirion’s Souls are much stronger in the
light and the Draconians’ truly paid a horrible price for destroying Lira. It
would be like a person from a small planet with a lot of Gravity going to a
huge planet with no gravity the Lirion’s were like Supermen in that Giant red
Sun. This is where the idea of Demons came from, and the Battle of good against
Evil began.
While King Leo and the Zodiac Kings were out on their latest mission the
number of Zodiac Kings had grown to 24 with King Leo as the Galactic Ruler the King
of Kings. This now meant that King Leo had collected Souls from All the
different Colored Suns in the Galaxy. The Kings of light were the White,
Yellow, Blue Suns and the Dark Kings came from solar systems with Red Giant,
Green and the Brown Dwarf Suns. The Original goal of Queen Andromeda and King
Leo was to create the greatest race possible by mixing their D.N.A. with other races
from around the Galaxy. After they were able to create their Super beings, they
wanted the technology to build a Soul Ship. This was so they could transport
Millions of Souls out of a sun before it went Supernova, In this way they only
needed to transport a few living people that could mate with whatever race was
already on the planet that they were being transported too. In this way they
could save a lot of grief for everybody involved, since a soul is made of static
electricity it has no sense of time, and a trip between Constellations can take
thousands of years but it would seem like only a day or two for a Soul in Spiritual
form. This has been the goal by King Leo and the Zodiac Kings for thousands of
years, and it was now close to being realized. The Zodiac Kings had finally
integrated all the technologies from all 24 Constellations and have finally
built their first Soul ship, it was a Sun in its own right. Now they needed a
soul ship for another purpose because of this latest development they also
stumbled on a technic were they can create a Gold Planet because a Soul Ship is
built mostly out of Gold so they needed a process to create a lot of Gold but
it takes a long time.
King Leo has the ability to capture a Comet using a tractor beam, and
then drag it across a Solar System and place it next to a Sun. The next step is
to bombard it with solid Mercury and let it cook from the Radiation of the
local Sun. Step 3 is just let it orbit next to the Sun for a few thousand years,
which is no problem for the Galactic Kings, because when they can travel to
another constellation which might only take a few days for them but the Solar
System they leave a thousand years will go by. Their only problem is they
cannot travel back in time, only forward and that can cause other problems because
life forms evolve while they are away. When they are waiting for that planet to
cook they can travel to another Solar System and repeat the process, this is
what the Zodiac Kings are doing when they are away for Hundreds of years at a
time, but I don’t want to get ahead of myself. There have been four separate
Earths. The first planet shift involved Marduk, Nibiru, Mars, and Earth. When I
first started writing this story, I thought the Hopi Blue star legend was
simply about Pole Shifts, but I was wrong Marduk was the first Planet in our
Goldilocks zone. After it was used up The Next Orbit shift knocked Nibiru into
Marduk blowing Marduk apart and creating the Asteroid belt and after Nibiru was
mined out is where we will pick up our story.
the time of the Lion - Lizard Wars the Zodiac Kings had just moved our Earth
were Venus Orbits today, and Mars is where our Earth orbits today. The Zodiac
Kings were in need of workers to start the mining operations. Because Mars had a
10 foot layer of Gold over the entire surface of the planet or what we like to
call “The Easy Gold” King Leo took his
Soul Ship attached to his Sunship and traveled to Lira to find some help but
was shocked at what he found.
the Royal Sunship emerged from the Stargate in the Lyra Star System, instead of
seeing his beautiful home world all he saw was a mass of Rubble and debris and
Bodies Orbiting where Lira used to be. Luckily, for everyone on Earth today
King Leo had his Soul Ship with him so he detached it from the Royal; Sunship
and deployed it next to the Lyra Sun and hoover up all the Lirion Souls using
its Plasma Beam. Then using remote control he sent the Soulship back to the
Yellow Sun of Mars. After the Souls were deposited back into the Yellow Sun
they were Reborn on the Floating Cities Orbiting above Mars so the Mining
operations could begin, and these were the first Martians. This was the first
time the process of transporting Souls using a Soul ship was used and luckily,
for us it worked as predicted. Because of the delay of having to raise a whole
generation of Miners, Mars harsh conditions had mellowed enough so as soon as
the Martians were old enough they were sent down to the surface to adapt and
Strengthen their bodies to make them stronger miners.
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